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Sip a silky drink with KitchenAid coffee machines with milk frothers

Let’s explore espresso machines which heat and froth milk for you…

Top off your homemade coffee drinks with textured milk foam and froth

Like it smooooooth? While you can’t beat a robust shot of espresso or a freshly poured drip coffee, many of our favourite coffee drinks contain milk or plant-based alternatives. Silky flat whites, frothy cappuccinos and luxurious lattes can all be yours with a KitchenAid coffee machine with milk frother. 


Coffee house experience

Coffee shops give you beautiful aromas, tastes and textures. You can enjoy all those at home with espresso-based drinks.


Perfect milk texture

Steaming the milk alters its texture. It can be light and frothy with larger bubbles, or silky with small bubbles in microfoam.


Favourite frothy coffees

Cappuccino, latte, mocha, flat white… there’s plenty on the menu to tempt you. Enjoy all of them made to perfection. 


Fun and creative touches

Master the steam wand to create latte art on the surface. A leaf or maybe a swan. Or simply add cinnamon or sprinkles? 

Milk can be frothed for coffee in different ways

So… how do you froth milk and make that delicious silky foam for coffee drinks? There are lots of ways! The basic idea is to aerate the milk to pump up the volume. You can do this with coffee machines with milk frothers, or by hand with a tool. 


Frothed milk made with steam

A home espresso machine delivers pressurised steam. With a semi automatic espresso machine, you’ll get a steam wand which you can use yourself. Feel like a barista as you steam and froth milk in your pitcher. Fully automatic coffee machines automate this process to add the milk for you. 

  • Steam will heat, volumise and foam milk 

  • Machine can be semi or fully automatic

  • Result is rich, velvety, quality mouthfeel 


Frothed milk made with adding air

If you don’t have a coffee machine with milk frother, you can still add some volume to the milk yourself. Inject air into that milk with a tool like a manual whisk, mesh plunger or an electric hand frother. Tip: Start with cold milk from the fridge to make the best foam, and pick higher fat milks if possible.

  • Utensil can be manual or electric 

  • Milk frothing plunge like a cafetiere

  • Result is light with an airy mouthfeel 

Coffee machines with a steam wand


Semi automatic espresso machine with burr grinder

The semi automatic espresso machine with burr grinder is for easy hands-on exploration of your favourite drinks. 


Exceptional tasting coffee drinks made at home

Coffee beans are precious cargo, carrying natural flavours and oils. You can transform them into wonderful espresso-based milky drinks.

Perfect match! Find your type of espresso machine

You may be keen to get hands-on with the art of espresso making, or have the ease of pushing a button for your go-to drink. Whatever level of automaton appeals to you, there are KitchenAid coffee machines with frothers to suit you. 


Go semi automatic

While important processes like temperature and pressure are all taken care of, you are in control of tamping, extracting and milk foaming too. 


Go fully automatic

Enjoy the convenience of having your drink prepared for you with a fully automatic. You select your preferences and save them for next time.